

Total Possible Score: 5.00

Chooses One Skill to Excel At and One Skill Needed to Improve From Each Skills Category in the Module

Total: 1.50

Distinguished - Chooses more than one skill to excel at and more than one skill needed to improve from each skill category in the module.

Proficient - Chooses one skill to excel at and one skill needed to improve from each skills category in the module. Minor details are missing.

Basic - Chooses one skill to excel at and one skill needed to improve from each skills category in the module. Relevant details are missing.

Below Expectations - Attempts to choose one skill to excel at and one skill needed to improve from each skills category in the module; however, significant details are missing.

Non-Performance - The skill to excel at and skill needed to improve from each skills category in the module are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.

Reflects on Excelling in the Skills Selected and Plans to Improve the Skills Identified as Needing Improvement

Total: 1.75

Distinguished - Thoroughly reflects on excelling in the skills selected and plans to improve the skills identified as needing improvement.

Proficient - Reflects on excelling in the skills selected and plans to improve the skills identified as needing improvement. Minor details are missing.

Basic - Minimally reflects on excelling in the skills selected and plans to improve the skills identified as needing improvement. Relevant details are missing.

Below Expectations - Attempts to reflect on excelling in the skills selected and plans to improve the skills identified as needing improvement; however, significant details are missing.

Non-Performance - The reflection on excelling in the skills selected and plans to improve the skills identified as needing improvement are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.

Includes Resources From Professional Marketing Organizations and the Career Services Webpage to Help Improve Skills

Total: 1.75

Distinguished - Includes many resources from professional marketing organizations and the Career Services webpage to help improve skills.

Proficient - Includes some resources from professional marketing organizations and the Career Services webpage to help improve skills. Minor details are missing.

Basic - Includes few resources from professional marketing organizations and the Career Services webpage to help improve skills. Relevant details are missing.

Below Expectations - Attempts to include resources from professional marketing organizations and the Career Services webpage to help improve skills; however, significant details are missing.

Non-Performance - The resources from professional marketing organizations and the Career Services webpage to help improve skills are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.