

Total Possible Score: 7.00

Selects At Least Five References That Are Relevant to the Topic for the Final Paper, Three Of Which Are Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Sources That Are Less Than Ten Years Old

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Selects at least five diverse, scholarly, and recent resources that are relevant and peer-reviewed, and that convincingly support the final project topic.

Proficient - Selects at least five diverse, scholarly, and recent resources that are relevant and peer-reviewed, and that effectively support the final project topic. 

Basic - Selects five or more sufficient scholarly, recent resources that are relevant and peer-reviewed, and that pertain to the final project topic. 

Below Expectations - Selects four or more scholarly resources that are peer-reviewed and/or pertain to the final project topic.

Non-Performance - Selects less than four sources and/or did not select relevant, scholarly, or peer reviewed sources.

Includes Annotations With Sufficient Detail to Assess the Journal Articles and Other Sources

Total: 1.40

Distinguished - Includes thorough and detailed annotations for each reference to accurately assess the journal articles and/or sources.

Proficient - Includes ample annotations for each reference to assess the journal articles and/or sources. Minor details are missing. 

Basic - Includes annotations for each reference to assess the journal articles and/or sources. Relevant details are missing. 

Below Expectations - Includes minimal annotations for at least half the references to assess the journal article(s) and/or sources. Relevant details are missing. 

Non-Performance - Annotations are not included.

Incorporates Instructor Feedback Into Title Page

Total: 0.80

Distinguished - Incorporates all instructor feedback into title page.

Proficient - Incorporates most instructor feedback into title page.

Basic - Incorporates some instructor feedback into title page.

Below Expectations - Incorporates little instructor feedback into title page.

Non-Performance - Does not incorporate instructor feedback into title page.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 1.40

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Evidence and Sources

Total: 1.40

Distinguished - Demonstrates consistent use of reliable, appropriate sources and/or evidence to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.

Proficient - Demonstrates mostly consistent use of reliable sources that are appropriate to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer some support to the ideas in the writing. 

Basic - Demonstrates somewhat inconsistent use of sources that are mostly reliable to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer little support to the ideas in the writing.

Below Expectations - Inconsistently utilizes sources and/or evidence that may be unrelated and offer little support to the ideas in the writing. 

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.